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Swiss Link | Classic Wool Blankets | Royal Stewart Plaid

Original price was: $179.99.Current price is: $90.00.

(In Stock)

SKU: 9nvtZgxnNDaQ Category:

You asked for it, and Swiss Link delivered. The Swiss Link Classic Wool Blanket is now available in the famous red-plaid Royal Stewart pattern. This plaid pattern, or tartan, is best known for its association with the royal House of Stewart and is famously the personal tartan of Queen Elizabeth II.

But who can wear Royal Stewart? Despite its royal associations, the Royal Stewart Tartan can be worn by anyone, a status confirmed by the Scottish Register of Tartans, which states: “In the same way that clansmen wear the tartan of their chief, it is appropriate for all subjects of the Queen to wear the Royal Stewart tartan.”

But really, you can thank the punk rock rebellion of the 70s and 80s for that. Basically, the punks of that era wore the Royal Stewart tartan as a way to thumb their nose at the elite saying you think this is yours, well its ours now. They put it on everything from their doc martens to their vests.

Looking to for a quality blanket without hurting your pocket book?

This classic wool blanket by Swiss Link may be just the quality wool blanket you are looking for. For those cold nights watching fireworks or in a survival or bushcraft situation, don’t let the drip take a back seat. Made with 80% wool and features retro colors and a truly timeless design.

Weighing in at approximately 3.8 pounds its light and manageable while also keeping you warm year round. Measuring a more than generous 84″ x 60″ you might be able to wrap it around you a couple times depending on your size.

This blanket would be a critical live saving item to keep in your vehicle or on your pack. Hyprothermia is a real danger and needs to be not taken lightly.

You can read more about the dangers and seriousness of hypothermia in our Ultimate Guide to Buschaft and Wilderness Survival.

The stitching is solid and the weave is very fine, making it comfortable, warm, and an overall high quality blanket that will leave you with a smile on your face and some extra cash in your pocket. Toss one of these woolblankets in your car, recreational vehicle, camper, or anywhere else you need a little extra insulation from the wet and cold.

  • Woolis insulatingeven when wet
  • Woolis naturallyflame resistant
  • Woolissoil and stain resistant
  • Woolisnaturally antibacterial
  • Wool isbreathable
  • Wool isnontoxic
  • Woolwicks moisture away from your skin
  • Woolisarenewable fiber
  • Wooliswashable
  • Woolcan bestored until you need it
  • Woolisdurable and will last for many, many years

**This Item is drop shipped and currently unavailable in store. Fulfillment for drop shipped items is 3-5 business days.


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